Certification of bio jet fuel
Just like other jet fuel, bio jet fuel will also need to comply with certain standards. These strict standards need to be met by CIBA.
Energy in jet fuel
For commercial applications, ASTM D1655 requires jet fuel to produce a minimum amount of energy of 42.8 MJ/kg, with densities between 775-840 kg/m3 (or 18,400 BTU/lbm, with densities of 6.47-7.01 lb/usg)
Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB)
We have to be in accordance with the approved RSB EU RED certification system. The RSB standard was one of seven voluntary schemes approved by the European Commission in July 2011. In order to receive government support or count towards mandatory national renewable energy targets, biofuels used in the EU (whether locally produced or imported) have to comply with sustainability criteria involving the entire production and supply chain.
ASTM D7566
ASTM D7566-18 Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons. [This specification covers the manufacture of aviation turbine fuel that consists of conventional and synthetic blending components].
ASTM D3703-18 Standard Test Method for Hydroperoxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels, Gasoline and Diesel Fuels.
The requirements and guidelines for fuel characteristics can be found in the following
specifications and documents:
1. ASTM D4054-09 (Qualification of new turbine fuels and additives)
2. ASTM D7566-11 (Synthetic turbine fuels)
3. UK AFC DEF STAN 91-91
4. CAAFI Fuel Readiness Level Exit Criteria Checklist
See also EU directive: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/ES/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32009L0030&from=NL